Quick Thoughts

Reliable context for the biggest breaking news stories

Weatherford Swipes Halliburton CFO, Strengthening Its Turnaround Story And Catching Everyone By Surprise

In an unexpected announcement Monday evening, Weatherford welcomed of Mark McCollum, Halliburton’s CFO, as its new permanent CEO and director. For Weatherford, choosing between interim CEO Krishna Shivram and McCollum was a win/win. Shivram impressed everyone during his stint at the helm, but McCollum is the stronger candidate. So when the board realized …

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Can Weatherford & Nabors Steal Schlumberger’s Thunder?

On Wednesday afternoon, Weatherford announced that a new alliance has been formed with Nabors Industries to integrate drilling rigs and services in the US land market. This new service model is something Schlumberger has been talking about and working on for several years now. In this update, we offer our take …

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Weatherford Captures The “Bernard” Effect By Raising A Billion Bucks In 24 Hours

On Wednesday morning (11/16), Weatherford sold 84.5mm shares at $5.40/share in a registered direct equity offering for $456mm. Last week, Infill Thinking predicted that Weatherford would raise equity capital following the stock’s 33%+ gain on CEO Bernard Duroc-Danner’s departure. The market reacted positively to today’s equity raise, Weatherford’s stock rising another 3% …

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GE & Baker Hughes – Initial Reaction To The Deal

After four days of speculation and head scratching over what kind of deal GE and Baker Hughes might be concocting, the companies announced an extensive partnership Monday morning, essentially a merger of GE O&G with Baker Hughes. The deal is more extensive than we (and many others) originally expected late last week. …

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