Latest Thoughts

What Fourth Quarter Slump?

Back in October, the North American land market was bracing for a seasonal slowdown into year-end. Here’s the warning Halliburton CEO Dave Lesar issued on a conference call about 6 weeks ago: “Based on current customer feedback we remain cautious around customer activity due to holiday and seasonal weather-related downtime. Our customers …

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Atwood’s Drillship Mortgages Are An Industry First

Offshore drilling contractors have been signing deals with shipyards to delay taking rig delivery for several years now. With no visibility on work, it’s better to leave rigs on the docks where they took shape than to store them somewhere harsher. This morning Atwood announced a delay deal on a pair of …

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There’s A New Anti-Frac Movement Brewing. It’s Leaders Are O&G Industry Insiders

Since inception, hydraulic fracturing and shale exploitation have been fraught with controversy. Initial opposition mostly came from the far left and environmentalists. So called “fracktivists” include bands of protesters, lobbyists pushing for regulation, and filmmakers documenting mythical terrors. These outsiders have presented challenges for the industry ranging from mild annoyances to outright banishment …

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Permian Preview: 2017 Capex And Production

The biggest regional contributor to the US Shale Revolt will be the Permian Basin. The Permian is the only unconventional oil play where production has not fallen in the downturn. In fact, Permian production today is up 13% since that fateful OPEC meeting two years ago. Following it’s conventional production …

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Weatherford Captures The “Bernard” Effect By Raising A Billion Bucks In 24 Hours

On Wednesday morning (11/16), Weatherford sold 84.5mm shares at $5.40/share in a registered direct equity offering for $456mm. Last week, Infill Thinking predicted that Weatherford would raise equity capital following the stock’s 33%+ gain on CEO Bernard Duroc-Danner’s departure. The market reacted positively to today’s equity raise, Weatherford’s stock rising another 3% …

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Offshore Drilling Theory Testing With Atwood And Rowan

Two months ago, we penned a deep dive on the offshore drilling outlook, concluding that things still must get worse before they get better. Atwood’s conference call yesterday provided a good theory test, and we came away with confirmation of our multi-year hard landing view. Here are the most important fundamental …

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Lest We Forget

In the decade we’ve been covering the oil business, we can’t recall another period of time when technology and efficiency gains were occurring this fast. And as students of this industry, we’d argue that there’s been no time in history when O&G industry methods were advancing at today’s pace. Globally, human …

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The APEX Predator & Weekly Rig Count Trends

There were a lot of smart things about the Nabors analyst day last week. One of those was the timing. Nabors was smart to host its event after most of the other contract drillers hosted their earnings conference calls in the weeks leading up to the event – the timing …

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Nabors Analyst Day First Impression: Silicon Valley Vibes

On Thursday, we attended an all-day event hosted by Nabors Industries in Houston for analysts and investors that follow the company. Nabors went all out on this one, rolling out a 160-slide deck at a full day event that included nine presentations from senior Nabors executives, a rich multi-media campaign, and a half …

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Campaign Speech… Of The Drilling Variety

  Our regular weekly analysis of Baker Hughes rig count statistics is below, but first some campaign speech. This weekend, we are taking a break from the political rhetoric to look at drilling campaigns. For the first time in two years, the US Independents are flexing up their drilling programs. …

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GE & Baker Hughes – Initial Reaction To The Deal

After four days of speculation and head scratching over what kind of deal GE and Baker Hughes might be concocting, the companies announced an extensive partnership Monday morning, essentially a merger of GE O&G with Baker Hughes. The deal is more extensive than we (and many others) originally expected late last week. …

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8 Interesting Things We Learned In The Past 24 Hours

It’s been a busy 24 hours. Since Wednesday morning, a dozen upstream management teams have provided business outlooks via quarterly conference calls. While drinking from this information firehose, we’ve been logging the highlights. In this post, we dissect the eight most interesting things we took away for the oilfield business at …

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Weatherford Does Not Share Baker’s Frac Philosophy

As Baker prepares to exit the horsepower game, Weatherford is in no hurry to send frac packing. After reactivating 3 spreads between September to December, the company will end the year at 90% marketed utilization. Weatherford is not selling its million horsepower fleet, at least not any time soon. There’s a lot more to this story… …

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A Pair Of Ironic US Oilfield Services Bankruptcies

Inside of 24 hours, two highly leveraged US onshore oilfield services companies – Basic Energy Services and Key Energy Services – each delivered Chapter 11 bankruptcy news to the market. Neither development comes as a surprise as both companies have been working on restructuring arrangements for the better part of 2016. But the timing …

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98 Offshore Rigs Have Now Been Scrapped As Transocean Recycles 3 More

Transocean’s fleet status report released late Monday afternoon showed that three more midwater semis have been selected for scrapping. At Infill Thinking, we now track 98 offshore rigs that have been retired since the downturn began in 2014. These 98 include the Transocean Driller, Transocean Winner and Sedco 704, which Transocean now plans to scrap this quarter. …

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Here We Grow Again

As we initiate our weekly rig count update here at Infill Thinking, it is nice to be writing about growth again for the first time in two years. Since the May 27, 2016 bottom, the US land rig count is up 154 rigs or +41%. Recent growth has been largely driven …

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Schlumberger Pushes Pricing, Talks Superlaterals And Cyclical Bottom

On Schlumberger’s conference call Friday morning, CEO Paal Kibsgaard made one central theme very clear. He is preparing his organization for growth again. Conversations with almost every Schlumberger customer on pricing increases have begun. Outside of Asia Pacific, Kibsgaard sees tender shoots of recovery sprouting in every market across the globe. There’s a …

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